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Tecomanthe speciosa, commonly known as Three Kings Vine, is a beautiful flowering vine.




  • Growth Habit: Tecomanthe speciosa is a vigorous, woody vine that can climb and cover large areas, including trees and trellises. In its natural habitat, it can reach lengths of up to 15 meters or more.
  • Leaves: The leaves are glossy, dark green, and pinnate, consisting of multiple leaflets arranged along a central stem.
  • Flowers: The most striking feature of Tecomanthe speciosa is its large and showy flowers. The trumpet-shaped flowers are white with pale pink or red markings, and they are approximately 10-15 centimeters in length.
  • Flowering Season: The vine typically produces its spectacular flowers during spring and summer.


Growing Conditions:


  • Sunlight: Tecomanthe speciosa prefers a partially shaded to shaded location. It thrives in dappled sunlight or areas with filtered light.
  • Soil: This vine prefers well-draining, rich, and fertile soil. It can also grow in slightly acidic to neutral soil pH.
  • Watering: Tecomanthe speciosa requires regular and consistent watering to keep the soil consistently moist. However, it should not be waterlogged, as it can be sensitive to waterlogged conditions.
  • Temperature: This vine prefers a warm and humid climate. It is not frost-tolerant and should be protected from freezing temperatures.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning is essential to manage the growth of Tecomanthe speciosa and maintain its shape. Prune after the flowering season to remove spent flowers and any excessive growth.
  • Support: As a climbing vine, Tecomanthe speciosa requires a sturdy support structure, such as a trellis, pergola, or large tree, to allow it to climb and spread.


Uses in Landscaping:


  • Climbing Plant: Ideal for use as a climbing plant on trellises, pergolas, fences, and walls. Its vigorous growth and lush foliage create a green screen and provide vertical interest.

  • Flowering Feature: Known for its striking, large, tubular flowers, which add a stunning floral display to gardens, particularly in spring. The flowers attract pollinators such as birds and bees.

  • Shade Tolerance: Can be grown in partially shaded areas, making it a versatile option for adding greenery and flowers to shaded parts of the garden.

  • Arbors and Gazebos: Perfect for training over arbors and gazebos, creating a natural canopy that offers shade and a beautiful floral display overhead.

  • Mixed Plantings: Works well in mixed plantings with other climbers and shrubs, adding a vertical element and seasonal interest to garden designs.

  • Coastal Gardens: Suitable for coastal environments due to its tolerance for salt spray, making it a good choice for seaside gardens where other plants may struggle.

  • Low-Maintenance Gardens: Once established, it requires minimal maintenance, making it a good option for gardens where low upkeep is desired. Regular pruning helps manage its vigorous growth and maintain its shape.


Tecomanthe speciosa

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